The Viola Gibson Green Team helps students learn to make choices that help our environment. The Green Team picks up garbage in and around the school throughout the school year. Previously, the team painted boxes with recycling messages for TransAmerica to help them become better at recycling.
Previous projects have also included creating recycling containers for classrooms and raising money for St. Vincent DePaul. Look for more fun projects from the team!
Green Team Audits
Green Building Audits have begun once again. The District is checking for energy and water conservation best practices, encouraging the increase in recycling habits, and improving grounds.
Viola Gibson Elementary planted three new trees on their campus, thanks to a grant through Trees Forever. They are also attaching watering bags to their new trees to prevent evaporation and to ensure all the water makes it to the root system. Fantastic work students and staff!

The Viola Gibson Green Team provided every classroom with a sign to remind staff and students to keep doors closed. Hallways are not heated or cooled, by keeping doors closed it allows for less energy use and regulates temperatures properly.